ENSoftware Terminal Suite is an advanced terminal software (terminal emulator or communication program) for MS-Windows, that allows programmers, engineers, testing teams and others groups to control, monitor, debug and analyze a transferred data via Serial Port(RS232), TCP (client/server), Telnet and SSH connections to different devices, to have a control of software, and firmware. The ENSoftware Terminal Suite may be widely used in industrial and commercial control and automation systems.
ENSTerminal Suite was developed specially to increase comfort of work process development and testing.
ENSoftware Terminal Suite supports data input and monitoring in ASCII, hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary formats. ENSoftware Terminal Suite is plug-in connection system. On the moment it supports plug-ins such as TCP Client, TCP Server, Telnet Client, SSH client, Serial Port(RS232) and Script Engine Plug-Ins to automate a work.
Each Terminal window is Plug-In. For example, Serial Port Terminal Plug-in supports all possibilities of serial port such as changing RS-232's Handshaking line states: RTS, DTR, CTS, DSR, DCD, and RI. It also allows you to monitor or control transferred data. All data may be showed in the communication window and/or can be saved for further analysis. The plug-in provides a simple communication interface for connecting to any real or virtual serial port. It gives change any port's settings on the fly, without necessity of closing and then reopening of the Serial Port.